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Subscribed Databases

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL    |   Source Type: e-Journal

About: Academic Source Ultimate, a multi-disciplinary database, contains peer-reviewed full-text journals in science, technology, engineering and more, as well as social and human sciences. It contains more than 11,900 full-text journals.

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Subject Scope: Computer engineering   |   Subscription Status:  Subscriber   |   Source Type: e-Journal, e-Book

About: The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is a leading resource for computer science research, with close to 600,000 full-text articles from ACM academic and popular journals, conference proceedings, and other publications. In addition, electronic books within the scope of ACM eBooks Collection I can be accessed through the portal. You can view the details of the e-books within the scope of Collection I in the brochure here.

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Click to access ACM eBooks Collection.

Subject Scope: Civil Engineering   |   Subscription Status: Subscriber   |   Resource Type: e-book

About: The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) E-books and Standards includes important books and standards in the field of civil engineering.

Click here for access to books.

Click here for access to standards.



Subject Scope: Economics and Administrative Sciences   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL     |   Source Type: e-Directory

About: It is one of the main indexes in the field of life sciences and economics and administrative sciences, indexing more than 2,000 publications published in the period 1913-1983.

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Subject Scope: Science, Technology   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL   |   Source Type: e-Directory

About: It is a comprehensive reference source that sheds light on important scientific studies, solutions to controversial issues, findings of innovators and research on the development of technology between 1913 and 1983. Applied Science & Technology Index Retrospective: 1913-1983, which contains over 3 million articles in more than 1,400 periodicals, also indexes book reviews with summaries, while the Industrial Arts Index (1913-1957) includes full files.

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Subject Scope: Art   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL   |   Source Type: e-Directory

About: It covers many issues related to Art, covering the period from 1929 to 1984. Offering over half a century of Art literature, this database indexes over 25,000 book reviews in addition to more than 600 journals. It covers all topics related to Art, from antiques to Art history, from fashion design to landscape architecture, from painting to sculpture.

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Subject Scope: Economics and Administrative Sciences   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL   |   Source Type: e-Directory

About: A comprehensive resource for business and business research, Business Periodicals Index Retrospective: 1913-1982 indexes academic and trade journals in its 70-year academic archive. It contains more than 1,000 periodicals and over 2,500,000 articles.

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Subject Scope: Economics and Administrative Sciences   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL   |   Source Type: e-Journal

About: Compiled for Economics and Administrative Sciences, Business and Management Sciences, Business Source Ultimate is a comprehensive research tool with many different document types as well as full-text journal content in its field.

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Click for the list of journals.


Subject Scope: Social Sciences and Humanities, Science   |   Subscription Status: Subscriber   |   Source Type: e-Journal

About: More than 380 peer-reviewed academic journals are published on a wide variety of topics within Cambridge Core. Many of these titles are leading journals in their field and together with the journals form one of the most valuable and comprehensive research collections.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL     |   Source Type: e-Journal

About:  Central & Eastern European Academic Source, which contains the full texts of academic journals published in Central and Eastern European countries, is both multidisciplinary and includes publications in many different languages. It offers a comprehensive collection of nearly 660 full-text journals from over 30 countries, including Turkey.

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Click for detailed information.

Subject Scope: Medical Sciences   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL    |   Source Type: e-Reference

About: DynaMed is an evidence-based clinical reference tool. It is a reference source for questions that may arise during the application. Prepared by physicians for physicians, DynaMed provides fast, evidence-based and applicable answers to clinical questions that arise at the bedside. The most important 500 medical and health sciences journals are reviewed daily by the editors, summaries are prepared with the most up-to-date evidence-based information on diseases and drugs, and presented as ready and reliable information. Summaries, which include Evaluation and Recommendations, Diagnosis, Treatment, and many other categories, include randomized controlled trial (RCT) information, strong and weak recommendations prepared according to GRADE depending on the level of evidence, alternative drugs that can be offered to patients, and referenced guidelines.

Examples from institutions and associations that DynaMed cooperates with:

  • American College of Physicians (ACP)
  • American Medical Association (AMA)
  • McMaster University
  • Micromedex Solutions
  • The JAMA Network

Examples from the institutions that the physicians in the DynaMed team are affiliated with:

  • Harvard University
  • Massachusetts General Hospital
  • Yale
  • Brigham and Women’s Hospital
  • Dana Farber Cancer Institute
  • University of California San Francisco
  • Cleveland Clinic

Click for access.

Subject Scope:  All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: Subscriber   |   Source Type: e-Book

About: EBSCO eBook Academic Collection is one of the most comprehensive multidisciplinary full-text electronic book databases in the world. It contains around 200,000 purely academic electronic books and is a truly academic electronic book database that researchers need with its easy-to-use features on the EBSCOhost platform.

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Click here for the brochure.

Subject Scope: Educational Sciences   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL   |   Source Type: e-Directory

About: Education Index Retrospective indexes more than 800 publications in detail, many of which are peer-reviewed, presenting more than 850,000 entries, including book reviews. The information sought in the archival literature can be easily found with today's keywords thanks to the updated subject headings. In addition, the original topics are preserved in order to shed light on ancient history.

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Subject Scope: Educational Sciences   |   Subscription Status: Subscriber   |   Source Type: e-Journal

About: Education Source database, as well as educational topics at all levels from pre-school to higher education; It also covers specific topics such as multilingual education, health education and the testing system. The database includes more than 2,000 full-text journals, more than 550 books, monographs and conference proceedings on education.

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Subject Scope: Liberal arts   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL   |   Source Type: e-Journal, e-Book

About: Within the scope of Emerald eJournals Premier Collection, 309 active journals can be accessed. It is possible to access the entire archive of the journals going back to 1890, with current content. Within the scope of Emerald Social Science eBooks, more than 1000 books on education and sociology are available.

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Subject Scope: Educational Sciences   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL    |   Source Type: e-Directory

About: ERIC (the Education Resource Information Center) is the primary database for Educational Sciences literature. The ERIC database provides access to journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. With more than 1.6 million records from 1966 to the present, ERIC links to more than 631,000 full-text documents.

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Subject Scope: Liberal arts   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL    |   Source Type: e-Journal

About: European Views of the Americas is a comprehensive guide to print records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750 and includes more than 32,000 entries in total.

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Subject Scope: Art   |   Subscription Status: Open Access   |   Resource Type: Engravings and Maps

About: Before the introduction of the camera in daily life, that is, for the periods before the 1850s, the only visual media that we can have information about the art, history, social life, cultures, country topographies, cityscapes, architectures, etc. of societies other than original painted paintings are ancient print paintings. Today, as both a historical document and a work of art, ancient prints are available in many countries in the form of libraries and/or museums, both digitally and physically in the form of exhibitions, etc. for the use of art lovers, academics, students and people and institutions who will use these materials professionally.

The Digital Engraving Library also offers approximately 10,000 engravings and maps to the service of users.

Click here for access.

Subject Scope: Liberal arts   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL   |   Source Type: e-Journal

About: GreenFILE, a multidisciplinary database on nature, draws attention to the links between the environment and various disciplines such as agriculture, education, law and technology. Covering topics such as global warming, climate change, pollution, afforestation, agriculture, renewable energy and recycling, the database contains nearly 13,000 open access full-text records and over 850,000 abstracts.

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Topic Scope: Language Learning | Subscription Status: Subscriber | Resource Type: e-Magazine

About: Hot English Magazine is an electronic magazine that offers an effective method for learning and improving English by embedding it into your subconscious mind.

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Subject Scope: Liberal arts   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL    |   Source Type: e-Journal

About: The Humanities & Social Sciences Index Retrospective indexes important journals in the different fields of humanities and Liberal arts, and the content dates back to 1907. It includes nearly 1,200 periodicals, more than 1,300,000 records, and more than 240,000 book reviews.

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Subject Scope: Science and Technology   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL   |   Source Type: e-Journal

About:  The IEEE Xplore database provides full-text access to IEEE's internal reports, scientific journals, magazines, conference proceedings and all current IEEE standards. It includes 528 e-Journals, 28332 conference series and 4184 standards.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL    |   Source Type: Similarity Detection Tool

About: The İ program provides similarity analysis by comparing the articles of academics, editors and referees with millions of web pages and databases.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBİM - EKUAL   |   Source Type: Similarity Detection Tool

About: The iThenticate program provides similarity analysis by comparing the articles of academics, editors and referees with millions of web pages and databases. Pursuant to the signed license agreement, the iThenticate program can only be used by faculty members who have a doctorate degree and above.

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Click for the user manual.

Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL    |   Source Type: e-Journal

About: JSTOR is an academic library of academic journals, books and primary resources. It is a multidisciplinary resource that incorporates academic research covering over 70 disciplines. It includes 3938 e-Journal and 2154 e-reports.

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Click for the user guide.

Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL   |   Source Type: e-Directory

About: With its content dating back to 1960, LISTA has been prepared for research related to library, information and records management and information sciences. In addition to hundreds of important journals, it indexes books and research reports with their abstracts.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL   |   Source Type: e-Journal

About: MasterFILE Complete is a comprehensive source of popular full-text journals covering topics from business to health, from fitness and sports to recreation and entertainment, from science to cultural studies, from education to fashion. In addition to nearly 2,300 full-text journals, its content dating back to 1922 includes over 870 reference books, over 55,100 primary source documents and around 1.8 million images (photos, maps, flags).

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL     |   Source Type: e-Book

About: Complementary to MasterFILE Complete, this resource was created from electronic versions of reference books. The e-Books in this collection, which includes nearly 800 full-text e-Books, come from important publishing houses such as Abdo Publishing, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cornell University Press, Nomad Press, The University of North Carolina Press. It covers personal reference topics such as computers, science, biographies, finance, genetics, career, architecture, fashion and design, health, Art, travel, sports, history.

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Subject Scope: Mathematics | Subscription Status: Subscriber | Source Type: e-Journal, Critique

About: MathSciNet is a database that provides criticism, citation and bibliographic information on publications related to mathematics from 1940 to the present.

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Subject Scope: Medicine and Life Sciences   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL   |   Source Type: e-Directory

About: It is the primary source of advice for the fields of medicine, health and life sciences. The MEDLINE index, which can be scanned through the PubMed interface, can also be scanned through EBSCO's EBSCOhost platform. It contains more than 25 million abstracts from more than 5,600 PubMed journals.

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Subject Scope: Reference Management Tool   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL  |   Source Type: Reference Tool

About: Mendeley is a Reference Management Tool that allows you to manage your research and references as well as collaborate with other researchers.

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Subject Scope: Defense Industry   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL   |   Source Type: Report

About: Military Big Data is a database that contains detailed information on the defense industry and provides access to reports, analysis and inventory information on land, sea and air platforms of many countries.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL   |   Source Type: e-Gazete

About:  Newspaper Source Plus provides full text content for important news around the world. It contains more than 1200 full-text newspapers.

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Subject Scope: Current World News   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL    |   Source Type: e-Reference

About:  Newswires; It offers up-to-date, instant and full-text access to top world news from Associated Press, United Press International, PR Newswire, Xinhua, CNN Wire and Business Wire. The index of full-text content is archived for 30 days. For this reason, it offers the opportunity to easily read the news in the last 30 days about the researched subject.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL    |   Source Type: e-Thesis

About: Open Dissertations presents past and present dissertations accepted by the American university.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL    |   Source Type: e-Journal

About: Provides full-text access to more than 300 journals published in the Humanities, Liberal arts, Law, science and Medicine.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status:  Subscriber   |   Source Type: Article

About: It covers research reports, explanations, criticisms, perspectives, conference papers and activities of the National Academy of Sciences on the subjects of biology, physical sciences and liberal arts.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status:  Subscriber   |   Source Type: e-Thesis

About: ProQuest Dissertations & Theses is the largest dissertation resource in the world, providing access to more than 2.7 million full-text theses. More than 200,000 new theses are added to the ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database each year and are updated weekly.

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Subject Scope: Behavioral sciences   |   Subscription Status: Subscriber   |   Source Type: Article

About: It includes full-text peer-reviewed journals in the field of Behavioral sciences and Liberal arts, published by the American Psychological Association (APA), Canadian Psychological Association and Hogrefe Publishing Group publishing houses.

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Subject Scope: Regional Business News   |   Subscription Status: Subscriber   |   Source Type: e-Reference

About: It provides full-text regional business publications for the states of the United States and Canada. In this direction, it allows researchers to access reliable information from newspapers, magazines and other sources.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: Subscriber   |   Source Type: Article

About: SAGE Journals; It provides full-text access to publications in many disciplines such as Business, Humanities, Sciences, Liberal arts, Technology, Medicine.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: Subscriber   |   Source Type: e-Book

About: Sayısal kitap; It offers Turkish electronic books to researchers in the fields of Literature, Philosophy, short stories, classical fiction, modern and contemporary fiction.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL  |   Source Type: Article

About: ScienceDirect offers full-text access to publications in many different scientific technical and health fields such as Agriculture, biology, Art, humanities, biochemistry, genetics, commerce, management, economics, pharmacy, physics, astronomy, psychology, Liberal arts.

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Topic Scope: All Disciplines | Subscription Status: Subscribed | Resource Type: Statistics

About: SciVal database provides fast and easy access for analyzing the research performance of over 24,000 research institutions and 230 countries worldwide. It offers quick and efficient ways to conduct scientific performance analyses, generate reports, and assess performance at the individual, group, institution, country, regional, and global levels based on required metrics.

Click here to access.

Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL    |   Source Type: e-Directory

About:  Scopus; It is the largest abstract and citation database covering peer-reviewed publications in the fields of Art, Science, Technology, Medicine, Liberal arts. Scopus database; It also offers the opportunity to monitor, analyze and visualize research in these fields with bibliometric tools.

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Subject Scope: Social and Humanities   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL    |   Source Type: e-Directory

About: The Social Sciences Index Retrospective indexes major journals in the Liberal arts and Humanities and contains nearly one million records.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: Subscriber   |   Source Type: e-Book

About: Behavioral sciences. It covers e-books on Mathematics, Statistics, Business, Economics, Biomedical, Chemistry, Law, Computer, Engineering, Education.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL    |   Source Type: Article

About: It provides access to 1326 journals including publications in the fields of Chemistry, Computer, Economics, Engineering, Environmental Science, Law, Life Sciences, Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL    |   Source Type: Article

About: It provides full-text access to more than 1200 journals of Taylor and Francis Publishing from 1997 to the present in the fields of Life Sciences, Health Sciences, Humanities, Liberal arts, Art, Education.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: Subscriber   |   Source Type: e-Book

About: The Taylor & Francis eBooks platform provides access to approximately 155,000 electronic books in 53 different fields such as Science, Liberal arts, Educational Sciences, and Behavioral sciences.

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Subject Scope: Social and Humanities   |   Subscription Status: Subscriber   |   Source Type: e-Book

About: Turcademy is an e-Book platform that collects all academic publications in Turkey under a single portal and delivers academic publications digitally to academics, researchers and students. Access is provided to approximately 5500 electronic books in the Social and Humanities collection in the Turcademy database.

Note: In order to view the resources, you must register with your corporate e-mail address.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: Open Access

About: Turkology Journals Database is the output of a project activity designed within the scope of TÜBİTAK 2209-A - University Students Research Projects Support Program. This database aims to host a variety of information on journals belonging to the discipline of Turkology, field-specific or interdisciplinary journals, and to provide convenience for researchers who want to publish their work in this field.

Click here for access. 

Subject Scope: Plagiarism Detection Software   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL    |   Source Type: Similarity

About: Turnitin is a web-based plagiarism detection software. By providing feedback, Turnitin prevents researchers from plagiarizing. It also has a module that automatically identifies grammar, format and spelling errors. This module improves the writing skills of researchers.

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Subject Scope: Current World News   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL  |   Source Type: e-Reference

About: Web News database offers instant access to news from all over the world. It contains more than 14,000 news on different subjects.

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Subject Scope:  All Discipline   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL   |   Source Type: e-Directory

Social Sciences Citation Index: It provides summary, reference, author and citation information of reports and Articles in the field of liberal arts.

Science Citation Index: It provides summary, reference, author and citation information of reports and articles in the field of Science.

Arts and Humanities Citation Index: It provides summary, reference, author and citation information of reports and Articles in the field of Fine Arts and Humanities.

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Subject Scope: All Disciplines   |   Subscription Status: ULAKBIM-EKUAL  |   Source Type: Article

About: Published by Wiley publishing house; It offers full-text access to more than 1300 journals in different fields such as Finance, Management, Computer, Agriculture, Education, Engineering, Law, Health Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics and Psychology.

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